It is known that a person who dresses in clothes of the opposite sex is a cross dresser. Some call it drag queens! But there is more than what we presume. Drag queens are not just dressing up in women clothing or men clothing. The act of drag queens or the rightful term, female impersonation is an art form and culture.

If you have ever seen or witness a female impersonator, you would realize she is so many things of life. The simple performance of her on stage is the true essence of diversity. Her fashion style are unfathomable.

Living in Trinidad and Tobago, our society and people does not allow us to accept female impersonation as an art form. It is probably safe to say, our people do not like change, and most times we blame it on another issue. To date, Trinidad and Tobago, has one of the most inhumane constitution, which bars people of the LBGT community. The constitution does not allow gay men and women to be a part of our country. It is illegal to LBGT in Trinidad and Tobago!

Wavel Tami Fraser

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Recently my colleague, Wavel Tami Fraser of the coming out story blog, collaborated with me. We decided to tackle and interview one of Trinidad and Tobago famous female impersonator and entertainer of recent years. Both Wavel and I wanted to know more about Sohan Badall, aka Shiela. With short notice, Wavel and I conducted the interview.


Sohan Badall, Born male in the year 1983, is from central Trinidad and Tobago. He grew up in an extended family of 2 brothers, 1 sister, both parents, his grandmother and his uncle. Badall is an artist. He is a female impersonator that becomes the character, Shiela. When in Character, he performs on stage across the twin isle, Trinidad and Tobago, the caribbean region and as of recent central america. Performing at major shows such as Chutney Soca monarch, Tasa Rama, International Soca Monarch, weddings and many others.

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When Sohan is out of character, he is an accounting officer at Streamline Solutions Mailing Limited. In his spare time he manages his own bridal services, coach pageants in Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana. He is also very involved in fashion designing, makeup artistry, and his own dance group.


Reading this blog, a lot of people may wonder, or may ask why would any person want to be a female impersonator. Well  we asked Sohan that question, and I was not surprised of his answer, but I was most impressed. Sohan believes that his female impersonation was a way for him to break the barriers of the Trinidad and Tobago society, the norms of our culture, and the expectations of those around. Helping many other persons who are LBGT to be accepted.


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In the Society that we live, it is cruel most times. As a female impersonator in this part of the world is like making your death wish. While there are some in our society that may turn their heads to the other direction when they see a female impersonator, there are others that refuse to ignore.

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Gifted with his talent to dance, perform and create, Sohan continues to push the boundaries of his career.

Sohan is no different from other LBGT youths, he faces challenges as well. Name calling, bullying on the streets from a homophobic society and tournament from his peers while growing up.

Being an LBGT creative is no easy task, but Sohan has proven that he is a strong person mentally and physically. In the interview Sohan told me and Wavel one of his most embarrassing moments in life which literally brought tears to my eyes.

“I was 23 years old, and I was about to board a taxi from Chaguanas Trinidad to get home. I was grabbed, Slammed against a wall at the taxi stand, kicked numerous time , and beaten. I was battered, but no one came to my rescue. Taxi drivers, adults, teenagers, children, citizens of my beloved country gathered to laugh at me. Standing there and laughing, no one helped me.” Sohan Badall

This was a situation that I wish for no one. The thought of this occurrence hurt me so very much. No human should have to go through this kind of bullying ever in life.


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Through all the bad, Sohan made a good from those situations by working harder and to be a better person. He considers himself a pineapple, and if he was a dish he would be a Pelau, based upon his struggles, numerous talents and passions. But if he was a drink he would definitely be a sour sop because of the design of the fruit, rough on the outside and sweet on the inside.


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Badall does not regret anything in his past, however he accepts change. he continues to strive for the stars, with the encouragement from his grandmother. Sohan explained how easy it is to get things done because of his grandmother who believes in him. She is his strength and motivation.

Sohan has many dreams in life, but one of his desired dreams is to work with the most famous female impersonator, and legend in the industry, RUPAUL.

He encourages all LGBT youths and adults to find themselves firstly and accept who they are, so the world would also accept who they are as individuals, unique and equal.

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Thank You for reading my Blog and this featured post. Please follow my colleague Wavel Tami Fraser, and support her!

To contact Sohan, he can be found on Facebook, Sohan Badall. He is open for bookings. Please follow him, and support his ventures.

Please Support those that may not believe in the same thing as you. Let us show kindness to those around us.

Thank you for reading. Please look out for my next post coming soon!

Leston Paul

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